Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Beer Moment

You might call this one Beer Moments
I’ve had two distinct pleasures over the past approximately 11 months. (Oh, I’m sure there were others, but two are distinct.) There was the pleasure of having my daughter and granddaughters stay with the missus and I while the son-in-law visited a lovely country called Iraq. More recently, I had the slightly more distinct pleasure of helping the kids move happily and safely into a new home just under 30 minutes away from where the missus and I live.

Lately, any effort around here winds up involving beer – usually as a nice after action refreshment so to speak, but occasionally as a middle-of-the-job pick me up as well. I hauled an early load of household goods over to the kid’s place a week or so before we rented a u-haul for the big move. I’d provisioned their fridge with a six-pack each of Rolling Rock, Mirror Pond Pale Ale, and Black Butte Porter. The Rolling Boulder is for my son-in-law who prefers lighter refreshment, the Black Butte is for me because I know my son-in-law will leave it alone and the Mirror Pond is a nifty compromise that we both can enjoy once our own favorites are gone. (Have I mentioned that I have liked every beer that Deschutes puts out? That’s an amazing fact, I think. It indicates a level of consistency that is probably important in the brewing business, right?)

With the move complete, I set about helping the kids make those little adjustments that are always needed in a new home; bracing shelves, hanging curtains, and so forth. In the process I sampled some of the beer from the fridge of course but I also picked up a six pack of Sierra Nevada Summerfest, which proved to be a good beer to sip while working, but not one of those beers you want to waste much time pondering over.

Now, with much of my work winding down at the kids place, I’m gearing up to perform some of those neglected tasks around my own place – there’s lots of yard work to be done and it doesn’t help that the temperature here is now hitting 110 degrees daily. My son-in-law is coming over this morning to help me knock out a bunch of tree trimming before the sun gets too high. Suppose we’ll have a cold beer or two as well.
I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel at their moving out, but I know I’ll miss having the girls staying with us. It’s certainly been quieter here and I don’t find myself stepping on toys the way I once did. The flip side of it is that I’ve got a bit more peace and quiet to enjoy my beers. Ah, who am I kidding? I’m going over to the kid’s place for a Mirror Pond.
The joy of having grandchildren around....

"Take a picture of my cup, too, Papaw!"


Bryon said...

How did he do in Iraq? Safe and sond I hope.


Michael said...

Hi Bryon! Thank you for dropping by. Son-in-law did fine over there and now he's a newly minted E-5 with a cushy stateside assignment in his hometown. He re-upped over there, got a bonus and think's life is great. Boy does he have a lot to learn. He's started his own beer blog and I'll probably get around to posting a write up about it but in the meantime it's in the blog list at the left side of the screen ("A Journey Through Beer.") Thank you again for dropping by and for leaving a note!

Colorado Beer Facts

Denver Colorado Beer Facts