Friday, July 24, 2009

Mentioned in dispatches...

I sent a note to the folks at Midwest & Rocky Mountain Microbrews to let them know about my neighbors at Old World Brewery and they very graciously replied with a thanks and a note that they’d added me to their “links” page. That’s nice. Go visit their pages and see what they’ve got to share.

Weather here continues to be over 100 degrees with monsoon type humidity levels. It’s nasty and I continue to pine for the 40 to 75 degree weather in Colorado. Had a couple Deschutes Obsidian Stouts and a Deschutes Inversion IPA this evening while grilling pork ribs outside in the yard. Life’s not all bad, is it?

Like it or not, I’ve got a date with a broken garbage disposal tomorrow. It doesn’t matter what nice things they may say about you one day because the next day you’ll have your head under the sink, fixing something, right? Probably ought to stop at three beers tonight, huh?

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Soon as I fix this disposal, I can have the grandkids over! (That’s my real reward.)

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Colorado Beer Facts

Denver Colorado Beer Facts