I spied a bottle of Kennebunkport Apricot Wheat in the singles rack at Trader Joe’s. I snagged it along with five other beer orphans in need of a good home. This apricot wheat beer smells very strongly of apricot both in the bottle and in the glass. It pours slightly thick but with no obvious sediment and has a medicinal taste that hints at cough syrup. This beer is all about the apricot and despite the medicine taste, I like it quite a bit; it’s very good and very refreshing. Perhaps something to be had in moderation.
This one has a definite citrus smell in the bottle – it’s almost medicinal, but it becomes more pleasant once poured. Pours yellow-gold and cloudy and certainly does have a Fruity Pebble taste, though I’ll admit I’m probably not perceptive enough to have made that connection without the tip from our friendly Yardhouse waitress friend. There’s a bit more citrus taste when an orange slice is added – of course. Late in the sampling the medicinal hints return but isn’t too off-putting. Leinenkugel’s Sunset Wheat is a nice enough novelty beer for the summer, but I doubt I’ll seek it out again before the summer season is ended.
What others had to say about Honey Brown and the Wheat sisters...
Honey Brown
If you’re going to New York City and want to find Dundee’s Honey Brown, the folks at Beer Menus can help you. (Personally, I try to do most of my drinking at home, but what the heck.)
Here’s a little post concerning the declining honey bee population and Dundee’s efforts to help: Sustainable is good.
Apricot Wheat
The bloggers at Just Beer recently posted a useful review of Kennebunkport Apricot Wheat. (“Beer info. from normal dudes…” I like that.)
The judging panel at Beer Advocate has not been kind to Kennebunkport Apricot Wheat.
Sunset Wheat
Here’s the dope on Sunset Wheat from Beer Advocate.
The Roughneck at Lagerheads waxes eloquent about his experience with Sunset Wheat back in 2006.
(Mr. Beer brewing update: We convened a meeting of the bathtub brewing council and decided to let the red ale percolate in the Mr. Beer keg for a few more days - perhaps up to the three week mark, which will be next Sunday. I've not checked in on the little project in the last day or two, but a sample taste tonight is probably in order.)
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog. Grats on dropping down and maintaining the beer! I've started a program myself and so far in 1 month I've dropped 5 pounds and kept up the beer as well.
The (JW) Dundee Honey Brown was one of the beers that weened me off macro beers. It's a decent standby but just that for me.
Appreciate the feedback Chipper Dave. As for the weight loss tricks - it's all focus and putting the potato chip bag down! (But not the beer.)
Yeah, who doesn't like a little Honey Brown at least now and then!
I like to pick up a six pack of Honey Brown, usually when I've finished all of my Mr. Beer bottles and the next batches haven't finished conditioning. I've been known to use it to suppliment my MB reserves for a party. Most people I know (my wife included) seem to like it straight off, so it works well in a pinch.
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