Last Friday I went out of my way to find their establishment and, arriving to find an adjacent beer garden full of laughing patrons, I entered through the open front door and approached the counter where I enjoyed the pleasure of being ignored by two or three folks for a couple of minutes, while a line formed behind me – a line occupied by at least one individual who was obviously past the point of intoxication.
Eventually, a woman washing dishes in a back room leaned around the doorframe to ask, “Have you been helped?”
“No,” says I, finally hopeful that I’d gotten in with the right person in the joint. I quickly stated that I’d like a glass of stout.
“We’re closed,” came the reply from the dishwasher. The stunned look on my face must have provoked her into adding that they were only filling containers or some such. (Remember, the beer garden outside is FULL of people.)
I was still attempting to register this nugget of knowledge – and I’m sure the dumb expression on my face told the story – when a second woman, similarly clad in a red t-shirt, sauntered into view. She cast a look toward me and based on her expression I felt the impulse to further explain myself (I frankly don’t recall if she bothered to ask my business). I restated my request for a beer and then trailed off saying, “….but I understand you’re closed.”
The snotty tone of her monosyllabic reply echoes in my head even today, a full week later: “Yeah,” she said, with a sort of rising inflection at the end that implied, “what are you, a moron?”
I stammered something about the price of a t-shirt and said maybe I’d buy one, though in my mind I knew immediately that I’d never, ever purchase another Golden City Brewery product again in my life. I took the brief walk of shame toward the door and out into the fading light of a Colorado evening. My hopes of sampling a local stout dashed.
Golden City Brewery touts itself as the second largest brewery in Golden, Colorado. For now, my money will go to support the biggest brewery in Golden, Colorado because, for all their big business, stomp-the-little-guy swagger, Coors still makes decent beer and their staff aren’t wankers – at least not in my experience.
In closing, let me state that before heading over to Golden to be ill used by the staff at Golden City Brewery, I sampled a bomber of their Mad Molly’s Brown Ale. Here are my notes, verbatim (remember, I jotted these before heading out to find Golden City Brewery):
In closing, let me state that before heading over to Golden to be ill used by the staff at Golden City Brewery, I sampled a bomber of their Mad Molly’s Brown Ale. Here are my notes, verbatim (remember, I jotted these before heading out to find Golden City Brewery):
So the one GCB beer that I did manage to purchase (at a liquor store) was okay – let’s say mediocre. But get this straight: It’s okay to make mediocre beer, perhaps it’s even okay to make bad beer if you behave like a decent human being, but if you make mediocre beer and you and your staff are jackhole’s to boot, we’re going to have problems.
Check back soon; I’ve got nice things to say about Breckenridge Brewery and Tommyknockers Brewery!
I'm sorry that you didn't get to sample GCB's stout, and felt ill used, but, dude, the brewery was closed. Here's my take and an offer to buy you a few GCB beers if you're ever back in town.
Thank you for your kindness and for taking the time to bother with a response on your website. I've added you to my Western Beer Bloggers list.
I'll consider taking you up on your offer of a GCB beer next time I'm in town. I grew up in Clear Creek County, fished in Clear Creek as a kid and heard stories of my mom losing a childhood friend to it's cold waters in the 1930s.
I appreciate your having come to the defense of a local brewer and your measured reply is a further kindness for which I'm probably unworthy. Best wishes, friend.
That sucks, sometimes things just don't work out and timing can be everything.
You're so right, Aaron. The timing could not have been worse and my (over)reaction is due in part to my own aggravated mental state at the time, perhaps.
I went to college in Golden and have been kicked out of Golden City Brewery a couple of times when it gets near closing. That being said you should give GCB another try the next time you are in Golden. It's a great place to get some good beer and play a few hands of cribbage(they usually have 4 or 5 boards and decks of cards lying around to be used by anyone) in the spring/summer/fall.
On a blogger related note:I noticed your blog posts about visiting breweries in Colorado and I thought you and your readers might enjoy a graphic we made.
It's called "Colorado, The Beer Me State" and it's a collection of funny and/or interesting facts about Beer and Colorado. We made it mostly out of state pride, but also to commemorate the upcoming GABF. We are not beer experts (only amateur enthusiasts), so your opinion and feedback on these items is welcome. If you would like to share our graphic with your readers, we would be honored.
I went to college in Golden and have been kicked out of Golden City Brewery a couple of times when it gets near closing. That being said you should give GCB another try the next time you are in Golden. It's a great place to get some good beer and play a few hands of cribbage(they usually have 4 or 5 boards and decks of cards lying around to be used by anyone) in the spring/summer/fall.
On a blogger related note:I noticed your blog posts about visiting breweries in Colorado and I thought you and your readers might enjoy a graphic we made.
It's called "Colorado, The Beer Me State" and it's a collection of funny and/or interesting facts about Beer and Colorado. We made it mostly out of state pride, but also to commemorate the upcoming GABF. We are not beer experts (only amateur enthusiasts), so your opinion and feedback on these items is welcome. If you would like to share our graphic with your readers, we would be honored.
Thank you, Jake! I'll work on imbedding that image - it's cool but I can't get it to fit without some work. If I can't make it fit, I'll certainly do a post with the link so everyone can visit. You a School of Mines alum, then?
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