Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Random Ramblin' and Happy Thanksgiving

Tip Up To Pour (Dummy).
Geez. You try to give the big brewers a break, maybe cut them a little slack now and then and how do they repay the kindness? They come out with cans that magically change color so you’ll know they’re cold. Fine. Gimmicky. Slick trick to sell beer. Whatever.

Well, thumbing through one of those upscale magazines to which my sister subscribes, I stumbled on an advertisement for Michelob Ultra, touting, get this, their bottle. More precisely, the shape of their bottle. Seems it’s more, um, bottle-like in its wonderful bottle-ness to such an extent that it’s bottle-iferous! (Madison Avenue? I’m here, waiting. Sigh.) Here’s the ad:

Hmmm. Lemme see iff’in I git this right. I simply tip up the bottom of the bottle and the juicy beer goodness flows out that little hole on the top of the bottle? That’s amazing! (Oooops. Dang it all tuh hell, I poured it on my shoes! Sum’bitch!)

Since seeing it in a magazine on my sister’s kitchen table in Denver, I’ve spied it on a billboard in Phoenix. Creeping crud.
Holiday Cheer! It's Here!
Um, on the bright side: Shiner Holiday Cheer is back on the shelves! Here’s a tacky picture I took over at the kids house this weekend.

I love this stuff! If you’re a fan of Shiner beers, you owe it to yourself to add this one to your beer life list. If you're not a fan of Shiner beers, try it anyway. If you don't like it, mail me the rest of the six pack!
Happy Thanksgiving, GI.
Finally, spare a thought for our men and women in uniform this Thanksgiving. Some may be eating MRE’s instead of the traditional turkey dinner and for every one of those fighting men and women you see in a mess hall on the television news, there’s a few more out in some dark, cold place grabbing a meal when they can and thinking how much more thankful they’d be if they could just be home this Thanksgiving. Think you’ve got it rough? At least you won’t be chowing down in Iraq or Afghanistan this week.

A long time ago, in a peacetime army seemingly long forgotten.


Dave said...

If you like that news about the new smooth pour bottle, wait until you hear about the new improved mini-carbonation bubbles they've patented! It seems they've found a way to make those CO2 bubbles even smaller and promises to make your beer drinking experience even better. Can't wait to see the ads for that.

Woo Pig Brewey! said...

I always get a kick out of a certain macro brew that's biggest claim for you loving their beer is that it's cold as a rocky mountain stream. Huh? Isn't all the beer in my fridge at the same temp? Who knew? Pubs around here still have signs that say "coldest beer" and such as well. Yes, that's all I look for. Cold.

Anonymous said...

Especially since most beers don't perform all that well as blocks of ice. Silly macrobreweries.

Michael said...

Chipper, Cracker and beereinstein, many thanks to you all for dropping in. Designer bubbles, cold water and blocks of ice. With input like this, I don't understand why we're not all working as the brain trust for some big brewer. Cracker, your point about the water is especially evocative; I grew up in a small town upstream of the Coors plant. I know what's in that water (old mine tailings runoff, etc.) but I drink it anyway now and then - hometown pride is a tough thing to beat of of a man. You're all swell folks for stopping by and leaving word.

Colorado Beer Facts

Denver Colorado Beer Facts