I attempted to brew a nifty sounding cinnamon concoction but, due to my failure to properly and promptly grasp the difference between a teaspoon and a tablespoon, the result can only be considered an unmitigated disaster and I'll probably be kinder in my comments regarding professionally brewed beers from here on out.
The recipe - taken straight from the Mr. Beer website - called for orange zest, cinnamon, nutmeg, honey, and one or two other ingredients, all of which became immaterial when I made the mistake of dumping 3 TABLESPOONS of cinnamon in the wort instead of the 3 TEASPOONS called for in the recipe. I caught the mistake too late and upon hearing me proclaim my disappointment with a quick series of grown up epithets, my wife (who is vastly smarter than I) said, "Just dump it out and start over."

When it came time to bottle the stuff, I found an odd, slimy green goo laying in the bottom of the keg when the bottling was complete. Undaunted, I packed up the bottles in a plastic-lined box and squirreled them away to brew some more. Then, a couple weeks later, I placed the bulk of the bottles in the fridge to begin their one month lager. At about the one week lagering stage I sampled one of the small test bottles. Ugh. Fiasco.
The stuff poured like thick, sludgy, orange juice concentrate and actually looked like badly mixed
orange juice in the glass. There was very little carbonation and that was bad, but what was worse was the smell. OMG (as the hip kids say). It smelled of chemicals - plastic or maybe kerosene. Bleech!
I'm not a chemist (even if the beer I brew smells like chemicals) so I can't put my finger on just exactly when the whole process fell off the tracks but dumping in too much cinnamon may very well have been part of the problem. The other problem is that I rarely heed good advice until well after it is given. Recall that I was advised to dump the wort and start over. Well, I dumped out 6 one-liter bottles this evening.
Whew. With that off my chest, I suppose I can go back to the good beers now, but yes, I will be brewing again, once I wash the smell and taste of kerosene out of these bottles.
Sometimes it just takes a lot of experimentation before you can come up with something that really works. You may also want to ensure everything you are using has been cleaned well before using in your brewing process.
I look forward to my first batch of brew on the new year.
I LOVE beer. Am terrified of doing this kind of thing, which is why I have YET to brew my own. Maybe in the future.
Cinnamon can be overpowering. I can’t imagine the taste with an accidental overdose. Sometimes spices can cause an infection and I don’t like to boil them because they can become bitter. I always soak mine in a little vodka for a week to kill any bacteria. I then throw spices & vodka in the fermenter. Orange zest can also be a problem if not boiled.
Don’t give up! Try the Witty Monk mix if you like wits.
formerly known as "6p00e54ed644278833"
Sorry to hear about the mishap, but thanks for sharing. I guess you can chalk it up as a learning experience. I am on my first batch now, and it seems to be turning out OK. I am sure I will have my share of learning experiences along the way!
Thanks to all who chimed in with words of support.
Mr. Beer is sleeping in storage for the moment - I can't brew until the Christmas lights are put away!
Next one I do will be straight out of the can - no oddball stuff, back to basics. I'll let you know.
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