I can't recall the last time I went this long between posts. My blogger stats page indicates that some kind folks foolishly continue to drop in here at Beer Rant for a look around and I even had a recent comment on my last post about Black IPA's. I'm thankful for the occasional vist from old friends and strangers alike.

The fact of the matter is, that for a little more than a year I've been enrolled in a master's degree program and if this wasn't enough, we picked up a new 2012 Mustang just about a year ago so there have been plenty of distractions here at Beer Rant HQ, both good and bad, but that's not to say I've given up my quest for tasty beers.
I'm still here, taking it on the chin for all us sinners but I just don't have the time I once had for posting beer stuff. Rest assured, I still keep beer notes in that yellow engineer's notebook and rest assured, I'll be back as soon as I can to continue more ramblings.
In the meantime, how 'bout that Koko Brown Ale from Kona Brewing?
Love the King's Peak Porter, too, and their new label.